
Izvještaj s utakmice NK Gavran - NK Zagreb 041//The report from the match against NK Gavran - NK Zagreb 041

U nedjelju 16.10., zaputili smo se u Odranski Strmec na gostujuću utakmicu protiv NK Gavran.// On Sunday 16th of September, we went to Odranski Strmec for the away match against NK Gavran.

Obzirom da su ''Gavrani'' prošlu sezonu završili pri samom dnu tablice, a ove godine su pozicionirani oko sedmog mjesta, očekivali smo lakšu utakmicu koju bi dobili bez poveće muke, no grah je ipak malo drugačije pao.

Krenulo je dosta mlako s naše strane i nekako kao da igrači nisu mogli povezati konce igre. Zagrebaši su tu i tamo zaprijetili, najviše Podrepšak koji iako igravši stopera, imao je čak nekoliko pokušaja, no bezuspješnih. Pravi šok nas je stigao u obliku gola kojeg  smo primili od Mate Nikića u 32. minuti. I. M. Arbutina je nakon neuspjelog napada pokušao vratiti loptu obrani no dodaje ju protivniku koji iz lagane kontre 1 na 1 zabija za vodstvo domaćina.

Napetost na tribini mogla se rezati nožem. Navijača nije bilo puno kao inače, ali ipak sasvim dovoljno obzirom na udaljenost i lijenu nedjelju. Brojčanost su nadoknadili bijelim dimom, strobom, bakljama i grlom.

Moramo spomenuti kako je ovogodišnja momčad NK Gavran najmlađa u ovoj ligi, prosjek godina iznosi svega 20,7 što se  u jednu ruku odrazilo na njihovu želju i volju za trčanjem i pobjedom.

No usprkos mlađahnim momcima, našem Podrepšaku konačno je pošlo za nogom, te zabija gol u 63. minuti nakon ubačaja iz kornera i niza šuteva naših igrača u protivnike. Kakvo veselje na tribinama i među igračima, frustracija zbog dugo očekivanog gola pretvorila se u erupciju sreće!

Ova utakmica ostavit će pomalo gorak okus zbog lošeg suđenja (dojam većine) u više navrata i zbog nesportskog ponašanja protivničkih igrača koji su pred kraj utakmice više ležali na terenu nego trčali za loptom.

Što reći za kraj, osim da nam je ovo bila treća u nizu utakmica bez pobjede, ali svejedno smo uspjeli sačuvati treće mjesto na ljestvici. Nakon ponešto slabijeg razdoblja, nadamo se pobjedi već u subotu kada igramo protiv NK Travno.

Vidimo se!


Considering that ''Gavran'' finished at the bottom of the table last season, and this year they are positioned around seventh place, we were expecting an easier match, but it didn't turn out that way.

Match has started half-heartedly on our side and somehow players couldn’t make sense of the game. Zagreb's threatened periodically, mostly Podrepšak who was in role of a stopper, but unsuccessfully.

The real shock arrived as a goal that we received from Mate Nikić in 32th minute. I. M. Arbutina attempted to return the ball to defense after an unsuccessful attack, but he passed to the opponent who scored from the easy counter attack for the home team lead.

The tension in stands could be cut with a knife. There were not many fans as usual, but still good enough according to the distance and lazy Sunday afternoon. But they have compensated that white smoke, strobe, torches and throat.

We have to mention that this year's team NK Gavran are the youngest in the league, the average age is only 20.7 which was on the one hand reflected in their desire and willingness to running and winning.

But despite the youthful guys, our Podrepšak finally managed toand score a goal after 63 minutes after a corner kick and a series of our blocked shots. What joy in the stands and among the players, frustration with the long-awaited goal turned into an eruption of joy!

This match will leave a bitter taste due to poor refereeing (an impression of the majority) and unsportsmanlike conduct of the opponents who were lying on the ground towards the end of the match and thus stealing time.

What is there to say in the end - this was the third game in a row without a win, but we still managed to keep a third place on the table. After some games with not so good performance, we hope to win on Saturday when we play against NK Travno.

See you!


Preporučite članak:

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Standings provided by Sofascore
Nogometni klub "Zagreb 041"
Tišinska ulica 20
10000 Zagreb
IBAN: HR0323400091110706920 (PBZ)
OIB: 66080577328
MB: 4341503